Monday, February 2, 2009

Let it Snow

Well today is snowed which was pretty awesome. Apparently it does not happen often but I wish it would because it is so cool to see snow covering a city so old. I just wish I could see Edinburgh like this. It would have been awesome! Glasgow is like Greensboro in that once it snows the city just shuts down even though the roads were decent for most of the day. I did see a car struggling up our hill of death (as I have come to call it, you would have to walk it to understand). I have decided my favorite food items here are the cheeses and candy bars, my least favorite is the coca-cola here. They have this aged cheddar cheese that I feel must be pumped with drugs because it is so good. The soda though has all natural stuff in it (even coke!) so while it is much better for you; it has that funny taste of having no artificial flavor. Oh well, I don’t really need to drink that stuff anyways. Hope everyone is well!

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