Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pub Life

The cool thing about Scotland is that o matter what you do, you go to the pub first. For most people here it is definitely an alcoholic tendency, but I feel (I guess out of hope) that this is like the gathering point for discussion and social activity. If you want to go the the movies then you say, "Hey! lets meet at the pub at 8 and head over to the movies." Then after you are done you head back to the pubs to talk. It is a crazy town... So, this week was slow but!!! I did do something productive. I bought Cathy a ticket to come see me! I am so happy that she is coming and we are going to go see Loch Ness together. It is going to be so fun. I haven't been able to take a lot of pictures so far. We all usually go out and socialize and I never want to haul my camera around. Pictures that other people take will go up shortly... Well, lastly, I am almost finished planning my spring break. I am thinking about motorcycling through Italy and in the middle, a Mass done by the Pope. How crazy does that sound? Awesome huh?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Well, Another Week

I haven't really had a chance to write any stories lately. Glasgow is a really fun city, but for the most part is has been business as usual. I go out with my friends here most every night to try and see the city and explore a little more. This last weekend was a nice lazy one. I just sat around and read my book and played on the computer. Sometimes it is important to just push the reset button. I am meeting some great people here. I will never make fun of the French again! My french friends are some of the nicest people I have ever met and I already love them to death. At the end of the month I am going to Stockholm so that should be a fun experience. You will have to wait for those pictures! Tomorrow I am going to try and go to a castle so those pics will be up really soon... My last story is that I won 30 pounds tonight at the local casino! haha, it was great fun and we all just hung around after at this really cool Sinatra themed restaurant. Good times every one. I miss home dearly though.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let it Snow

Well today is snowed which was pretty awesome. Apparently it does not happen often but I wish it would because it is so cool to see snow covering a city so old. I just wish I could see Edinburgh like this. It would have been awesome! Glasgow is like Greensboro in that once it snows the city just shuts down even though the roads were decent for most of the day. I did see a car struggling up our hill of death (as I have come to call it, you would have to walk it to understand). I have decided my favorite food items here are the cheeses and candy bars, my least favorite is the coca-cola here. They have this aged cheddar cheese that I feel must be pumped with drugs because it is so good. The soda though has all natural stuff in it (even coke!) so while it is much better for you; it has that funny taste of having no artificial flavor. Oh well, I don’t really need to drink that stuff anyways. Hope everyone is well!